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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Syndicate Wars System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2002-07-27 14:54:15 Views : 12361 Cheat : Add the /m switch to the PLAY.BAT file so it will read @main /w /g /m Now when you play the game just hit the . key when you're equipping your agents to add 10,000 credits to your account. You can hit it as many times as you want. Here is a really nice cheat for Syndicate Wars. Log on as pooslice listen for sound effect delete pooslice and type in name you want to bep> hit "." while in the weapons screen and get 10 grand. hold down and get more! hit "0" (zero) and get a new weapon. hold down and get all of them! hit "u" while in R&D screen and another day passes. easy research hit alt-c in battle mode and complete the level hit alt-t and teleport selected agent to where your cursor is hit shift-q and bring agents back from dead, with all weapons Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Syndicate Wars cheat codes.
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